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Hello! My name is Jovana Vasilisa Jovanovikj. I decided to embark on a journey to discover my roots, my ancestors, their stories, their histories. All of them together have shaped my cultural DNA but also my actual biological DNA. This endevaur will present my famile's life stories.


I was born on 18 December 2005 in Skopje, Macedonia. According to my parents but also all the meterological data on the day of my birth my hometown has experienced one of the biggest snow blizzards in the last several decades. Thus when I was a little girl every time that it snowed I thought it was my birthday...

Abou my ancestors

About my Ancestors

Family tree

Technically, a family tree is a diagram which shows the ancestors of any given person. It resembles ...                                                        



My Traits

Are our traits irreversibly chiseled in our DNA or they are results of nurture? Actually, the correct answer ...


Meet the Family

My family history and family lore, or in other words our own families’ micro-culture, contains several famous and infamous stories ...


A bit of Science

DNA is the building block of life, and it is a blueprint which gives instructions for how the body should function. DNA structure ...



I was eagerly waiting for the results of my ancestry composition result for several weeks. The overall result was ...


What Does the future Hold?

Imagine a world free of genetic diseases, imagine the elimination of cancers which are mostly passed by the ancestors, imagine ...

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