Jovana V. Jovanovikj

Passionate About History and Science
I was born on 18 December 2005 in Skopje, Macedonia. According to my parents but also all the meterological data on the day of my birth my hometown has experienced one of the biggest snow blizzards in the last several decades. Thus when I was a little girl every time that it snowed I thought it was my birthday. I was named after my maternal grandfather, Jovan Popovski, and my surname is from my paternal grandmother, Spasenija Jovanovikj. My middle name Vasilia comes from the famous slavic fairytale Vasilisa the beautiful and it means empress in greek.

Throughout my life I attended many schools. I started my education at the French kindergarten here in Skopje, EFIS, then I was enrolled for one school year at the public school “Lazo Trpovski”, also in Skopje. I continued my elementary education again at the French school, EFIS, finally to arrive at NOVA in my 3rd grade to complete my elementary education. But then I didn't just change schools, I moved to a whole new continent. For four years of my life I lived in Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, returning to the French educational system at the Lycée Français François Mitterrand. There I finished my middle school (collège, pardon my French) and I took my first serious external exam, the (in)famous Brevet. When I returned to Macedonia, my old school NOVA was waiting for me to start my high school career.
Sports were always an integral part of my personal identity. I started swimming when I was 4 years old, and I fell in love with water. Though I tried many other sports, like volleyball and handball, swimming was a constant in my life. I also took part on various competitions, representing my Macedonian club „Orion” (in Macedonia and all around the Balkans) and the Brazilian club Aquanaii (I participated at the Brazilian Federal Swimming Competition). Recently I have also started hiking with my mother traversing the Macedonian and the Balkan Mountains.
I have also tried to practice ballet, but the demanding schedule didn't work out for me (though the passion for ballet remained). Nonetheless my passion for arts found another way to be expressed. I picked up the piano from my great-aunt, a distinguished piano teacher, and till this day I play piano in my free time. I grew up practically surrounded by books. My father is an avid reader and thought the books he introduced me to all the amazing worlds of human creativity (science and fiction). At the beginning there was a lot of resistance from my side to start the adventure of reading, but now I can't leave a book unread. Both my parents love travelling, and they have passed that love to me. We have travelled together the Americas, Europe, Middle East, and North Africa.
Global History
Macedonia becomes an EU candidate 17.12.2005 - I was born the day after Macedonia officially became a candidate for the EU (and we still are only a candidate which is not fair and is quite frustrating)
Outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic (2020 - present) - I witnessed the explosion of the Covid-19 pandemic, and it dramatically impacted my life. I was the first generation that studied online.